
    1. A brief history of Quality
    2. What is Quality (Definitions) and service or product
    3. Quality Gurus & their contribution to Quality
    4. Enterprise wide View
    5. Leadership
    6. Six Sigma Roles and Responsibilities
    7. Team Formation
    8. Team Facilitation
    9. Team Dynamics
    10. Time Management For Teams
    11. Team Decision making Tools
    12. Management and Planning Tools
    13. Team Performance Evaluation And Rewards
    14. Overview of DMAIC



    1. Important Stakeholders
    2. Impact On Stakeholders
    3. Critical To Requirements
    4. Benchmarking
    5. Business performance measures
    6. Financial measures
    7. VOC
    8. Kano’s Customer Satisfaction Levels
    9. Juran’s Customer Needs
    10. Market Research
    11. CTQ Flowdown
    12. QFD
    13. Performance Metrics
    14. Project Charter
    15. Charter Negotiation
    16. Project management plan and Baselines
    17. Project Tracking



    1. Processes, Process characteristics, process flow metrics, inputs and outputs
    2. Process maps and Flow chart
    3. SIPOC
    4. Data Type & Measurement scale
    5. Data Collection
    6. Sampling strategies
    7. Fishbone Diagram
    8. Relational Matrices or Prioritization Matrix
    9. Basic Statistics
    10. Analytical Statistics
    11. Gauge R & R
    12. Process Capability Analysis


    1. Correlation and Regression Analysis
    2. Testing of Hypothesis
    3. FMEA
    4. Gap Analysis
    5. The Five Whys
    6. Pareto Diagram
    7. Tree Diagram
    8. Non value added activities
    9. Cost of poor Quality (COPQ)


    1. DOE
    2. Poka-yoke
    3. 5S
    4. Kanban
    5. Standard Operations
    6. Operator work instructions
    7. Cycle time reduction
    8. Continuous Flow Manufacturing
    9. SMED
    10. Kaizen and Kaizen Blitz
    11. Theory of Constraints (TOC)
    12. Risk analysis


    1. Statistical Process Control
    2. Other Control Tools
    3. Maintain Controls
    4. Sustaining Improvements



    1. DFSS

More on Lean

    1. A Value Stream Map
    2. Lean is Speed
    3. Total Supply Chain
    4. Lean Six Sigma Logistics


 Case Study 1

    1. Case Study 1 Part 1
    2. Case Study 1 Part 2


Case Study 2

    1. Case Study 2 Part 1
    2. Case Study 2 Part 2
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