Learn GLOBALLY and earn GLOBAL certification with our affordable e-COURSES!

Change is a GENIUS opportunity to grow. Study at your own pace.

Our Story

A group of engineers and professionals, with exceptional track record of achievements and in-depth skill and expertise acquired over the years of working experience in a corporate world, have collaborated to provide different training programs, consultancy and services. We provide a wide range of industry certifications for professionals and non-professionals who wish to up skill anywhere in the world.

What we Provide?

Self-Paced/ Online Training

A self-paced online training to cope up on your busy work schedule while upgrading your skill  and knowledge

Learning through our Experts

A collaborative training session between field practitioners and experts on manufacturing, construction and engineering. We offer one-on-one, classroom or corporate training

Company Set-up/ Projects

Looking for experts on continuous improvement, health and safety and industry standard experts to help your company in starting the program or maintaining it.

Practice makes perfect

We know about your hectic schedule. We also know the only way you truly understand a subject is by practicing it in a real environment. This is why we’ve set a playground area that’s full of hours of exercises, questions and challenges with additional support from our experts.

The best campus facilities

In addition to our online training , we also offer classroom training and corporate training. Here, our subject experts coach, mentor and support students in understanding the subject.

Learn from the very best

Join our course and start building the most wanted professional career available today. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s hi-tech industry.

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